Little New Map Story

Discussion in 'Written' started by Stylether, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Stylether

    Stylether Active Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    So Exa asked me to make another story for the changing of the map. So I sat down for 20 minutes and just free-handed something for it. In no way am I stating this to be better than Shadow's, or even literary high quality.

    But its something, I guess?

    PS. I might or might not be planning an actual story some time in the future. Depends on how much motivation I can muster. Keep ya posted ;P.

    It really is strange. For what feels like an eternity, the King, may he rest in peace, ruled every whim of our lives. All our goods would eventually find its way into his hands, sold for some intangible currency he called ED. Where they went after that, we wouldn't know. We would at least never see it again. Some said he was a time-traveler, using those resources to build the huge castle he is currently living in. It didn't exactly make sense to me either, how he would achieve that, but regardless of what he did with the resources and how his castle came to be, it was clear his powers were absolute and his castle irradiated a sense of sanctity that one couldn't even pick a flower in its vicinity. Even such a simple act felt wrong on so many levels.

    So, even though he was such a powerful figure, why did he not survive all this? He told us that something would happen. We did not know what exactly would happen, or even when. I don't think that the King even operated in the realm of 'when', if he really was a time-traveler. He just said soon, leaving us in the dark for the most part. At some point we simply stopped believing in him, and continued on with our lives. But how we were wrong. I would love to describe what the crucial turning point was, but I can't. One day, the King just walked out of his castle. It was decorated, strangely, for some celebration that marks the birth of some far off prophet. I don't even know which one that might be, nor can I remember the last time the immemorial castle was in any way changed. It might be that the King was celebrating his own birthday, without us knowing. Regardless, it was at that point that he started shouting. "We have been waiting long enough. It is time that we start over. I've had enough of this, and this world had enough of you. It seems it wants you gone."

    Wanting us gone was an understatement. It quite literally dragged us out. But nobody can remember what happened. It felt so hot, but none of us were burned. We've been trying to figure out what occurred during the transit. One moment, we're listening to the final words of the King. The next moment, we awake to the sight of a strange building. We are greeted by a 'Wizard' of the King. He told us that the King sent us to secure the passage. Despite having seen him at the King's court, nobody could remember his name. To top it off, nobody can remember the King's name either. It feels so weird. It's as if the old world rejects us so completely that even the names of its natives are foreign to us.

    When I ask the Wizard anything, his reactions are rather stiff. It is almost as if he is automated. I don't feel like he is actually a Wizard, but that is how he talks of himself. He doesn't even give me his name. Nor does he explain what kind of strange structure his tower is. He did say that he used this to transport himself and the crew here, and then used the new municipal building built next to it to create a landing point for the rest of us. It is clear he is not talking about any normal way of transport, but his speak of hyper-gates and his comparison to some kind of story called 'Stargate' confuses me.

    I wonder if the King really was a time-traveler. I hope he fares well in the rejected world. I think that he may have bought all these resources from us to build us this safe haven. I guess we can only try to live on. ED is a thing of the past, and this world no longer refuses gold as a stable element like the last one. This way, we can start again, and rebuild civilization.

    Wait, element? I have a feeling like I'm missing something. There are only 4 elements right?


    I hate time travel...

    Edit: I would like to point out that I did not know we had a written subforum under MCS media. I actually only heard about Shadow's story, so I didn't know. Sorry if I shoved this in the wrong corner!
    #1 Stylether, Jan 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
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  2. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    Nice story, i loved that you added in the "soon" :D

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