To begin with, how did our Sun get made? Answer? Easy. Well the Sun was made when a planetary nebula felt, well a nearby supernova. That supernova sent clumps of dust and gas to collide, literally. A Few million/billion years later, the Sun ignited. Aswell as going into labor with many planets coming out. Our one is the Earth Earth was a violent place then, Meteors rained from the heavens, and super volcanoes exploded. When another planet Thea collided with Earth. Earth survived and Thea was destroyed :O Earth: Liek a Baws! And the remains of Thea became our moon! But that collision made us tilt approx. 26.8 degrees, and thats why we have seasons. ---- Were in the Milky Way Galaxy, isnt that amazing ? But we have a neighbour galaxy! :O Shes called M31: Andromeda Galaxy, were constantly getting closer to that galaxy, and soon collide! (Will happen next 2 billion year, maybe we will be like super evolved) Then we will merge and call it Milkomeda! ---- Gravity. Gravity is a distortion in space and time. We imagine it as a fabric, running along space-time. When a ball, or our Sun touches that fabric, it makes some kind of dent, that pulls planets to orbit. Imagine a black hole. Gravity so intense, taking the speed of light, nothing can escape. Imagine its fabric, pulled so hard its going to rip. Black holes are made when a star 100x more mass than our Sun, there core begins to collapse on itself, then it forms a black hole. Gravity was the first force to appear after the Big Bang. Basically, Gravity can be a b***ch sometimes.