Minecraft 1.8 Trailer

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by Natbyte, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Minecraft 1.8 'Adventure Update' looms ever closer, this update is shaping up to add a bunch of new features and content changes. It has been confirmed that the Minecraft 1.8 client update will include randomly generated dungeons, non player character villages, new biomes, creative sandbox mode, more farming options, critical hits, sprinting, new mobs, and an updated food system.

    We will update the minecraft server as soon as Minecraft 1.8 is available for download and setup a temporary map for 1.8 until bukkit and plugins are updated. On the magical Minecraft news grapevine the rumor is that Minecraft 1.8 will be released on the 8th of September 2011, fingers crossed.
    #1 Natbyte, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014

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