Who is getting minecraft for xbox? If you are and you want, share your gamertag so throttie phoenix and me can play together when it releases x)
Not me. I hate Firstperson games on Consoles. Yeah i could probably play in Thirdperson, but i think that it would suck even more.
i really see no reason to. Its going to be a lesser version of MC than that which I am playing now.... whats the point lol. But you are welcome to add my XBL account to your friends list if you wish. My accounts name is: Pyritus
I wanna play it because I want to have the survival feeling again. I dont like playing single player because I always end using TMI or something to cheat. That's why I love temp maps, because I get that survival feel, pvp, etc. In few words, I love vanilla Minecraft x)
I could remove all your inventory, perks, land and stuff Conanto - if that helps. I mean I'd do that for you!
if its about you and your preference of starting fresh why should it matter what others can or can not do hehe
If you did get this game, add me Conanto and Thr0ttie can you record some minutes us playing inmy world? ill invite phoenix too and whoever has this game
yes Pocnet, it was out on may 9, and I have to say it is a very good game. Got boring after everyone used the dispenses duplication glitch, but after the patch, im playing it again. Playing it on my couch, with friends over xbox live. I love it. I just need to get a new controler cuz i broke it accidentaly