A very interesting idea I had come up with at some point. One day, I was looking at Viaduct, and Well. And I thought, "That would look cool, if I placed those two together." Well, after about 3 months of different styles, and version I've gone through, this is the first, solid version of my map: Koth_Frostbite Currently, it's in indev and probably won't come out for awhile till I get the compiling issues out of the way. Anyways, about the map. King of the Hill map obviously, but with a slight twist to the whole thing: Two trains, barreling down the middle, right through the point itself. Better watch out guys, it's really gonna hurt.
Well I have to say, First, I hardly get on TF2 xD.. and also, this is actually a really nice map that you made! I like how you made all these things under the battle area.. and there is just more to it! It is really nice. EDIT: Fixed xD Im such a noob (At least I can craft a lever! *hint* *hint* Sparx :3
Map is now playable! http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=22517 Drop into: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps if you wish to test/play it.