Hey guys! Me and John discovered a new unregistered spawn and talked it over. We came up with the idea of a build comp! So, here you can post pictures of your builds and I will make a new thread (once everyone has entered) and I will make a poll so you can vote! The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will have their build in the new spawn! Signed, Roc and John.
Unwanted is not the word. I'd say unexpected. However I do like the idea of a competition maybe held half anually to get YOUR build onto spawn.
feel free to borrow parts from the many creative server spawns i have designed and built with a few friends
Not sure what the ID's are but its /p h:1 owenclaxton and /p h:2 .. should be a walled off city type thing in one and a suburban town ship around a marketplace on the second
You enter, I look, I decide which 5 look best, I make new thread for voting, MCS.com creative community picks th new spawn.
Errm no. Nat has been moving all the amazing designer, architect plots to spawn so I say there isn't much of a chance of the OS picking a new spawn after 3 days. I think the way we have it now is great as it shows what the server has made and has to offer.
lets straighten this out easily I think the problem here is they are confused who gave you permission to take control of this So, what overseer did you organize this with?
waitwaitwait. So you have no certification? I mean, sure enter my plots... but good luck getting a spawn out of the plots entered without certification. And i mean a big fancy overseer, preferably natbyte, posts here saying certified. yep.