Hey Guys While the server was down i thought it would be a good time to start doing a new video series on youtube, its a new game out this month and I must say is pretty dam good for the category its in. Check out my Channel for any future episodes or just subscribe to me to get them on the homepage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOOa0VBumVg The First Episode of Jurassic park the game!!
(From The Other Day) sorry guys, i got some bad news for you, i have scrapped the interview video, or rather postpone it for a later date, been trying to do it for the last month and a bit but everything just keeps going wrong, Im dissapointed with myself because I know you guys were expecting something new and exciting but I promise I wont give up on the idea of interview videos, maybe in the future I might do full length videos of interviews to have less fiddling around with editing etc. also when I found out that 1/3rd of my hard drive space was used with all the interview stuff that kinda sealed the deal of stopping for now.
new episode is up if anyone was interested just search acyclone06 in youtube or go to the link above then my channel