New Years Party!

Discussion in 'Pictures' started by bajj597, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Other staff will have to carry this out for New Years since I will be gone. It will be held 2 times during the night. One for 12 GMT and one for 12 EST. Here is my idea.
    So for New Years, a lot of people were wanting a fireworks display. I started working on some fireworks that I wanted to include. Some that included blue and white (just kind of felt like new years colors to me) and some red, green, and white ones. After that though, I am not sure exactly what I want. But I wanted to make this a big display, so Im going to need some help.

    Here is how you can help:
    Anyone can post as many entries as they want. The entries need to include a picture of the explosion of their firework and another picture of the name box that shows the type used that shows up with it in your inventory. Preferably, get the picture of the explosion up close too heh. Here is my example:
    Explosion: 2012-12-24_16.34.10.png

    Type used: 2012-12-24_16.33.55.png

    So help the whole community out by showing off some awesome rocket designs and we will use all the ones that we like!

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