I know that Minecraft is the main game for a lot of people here, but i'm wondering what other games you all play besides Minecraft. If a lot of people play the same game (with multiplayer options) we could maybe do a thing where a bunch of us play that game together at some point. I rarely play a single game for a long time, and the games i do frequently go back to i generally consider some of the very best out there (with the exception of Minecraft, which i pretty much only play for this community). For example VVVVVV, which i play through every few months and i personally consider one of the best platformers of all time. Most games i play have a clear end. You can complete them. I don't play a lot of multiplayer focussed games and the ones i do play i generally stop playing after a few weeks (like Warframe i've been playing a few weeks ago). My main rule is that i only play games that interrest me. I don't care if everyone thinks it's the best game ever if it doesn't appeal to me i won't play it (Like GTA V). There are exceptions, games people recommended and i ended up liking and others i ended up uninstalling and never touching again after some time (like Fallout and Race the Sun). Currently i've been playing the Terraria 1.3 update with StoneMoney and by myself in a singleplayer world and i picked up 4 games in the Devolver Digital sale on Steam, Devolver Digital being my favourite publisher. Those games were Not a Hero, Ronin, Shadow Warrior and Shadow Warrior Classic Redux for anyone interrested. I finished Ronin and i am now installing Shadow Warrior. I might make a thread for Ronin later.