Server Rules Updated: Rule 4.5: Autofishing

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by DragonLS, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. DragonLS

    DragonLS Active Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    To those that aren't aware, the wiki has a new rule: Which is Rule 4.5. We've recently had some activity that involved autofishing, or basically programs/bots/hacks/etc where it involves fishing automatically without any human input. This can lead to obtaining items (sometimes rare) without any effort at all, since you're basically afk while the utility/program/whichever does it thing. The rule is stated as:

    "Fishing bots tend to devalue items and just breaks the spirit of the game. Anyone caught doing this will be teleported to spawn. If needed, further consequences will follow. "

    While those who are known to autofish will not receive any punishment before this rule was put in place, it is absolutely recommended that you cease all autofish activities at once, otherwise you'll be seeing spawn a lot more often than you should.

    You will find the rule in full here:

    Thank you.
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  2. livetree84

    livetree84 Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    I noticed autofish bot's grab the fish EXACTLY as the fish bites. So you could rig up a plugin that auto-kicks them if they catch 2 fish in a row exactly on time. Alot of hack client have a feature that auto-reonnect you if you get kicked. So you could add somthing that auto-bans them if after they get autofish kicked, they log back on and catch another fish exactly on time

    (2 exact catches = kick, 3 exact catches = ban)