Some Weird Guy Gave This To Me, I Have No Idea What To Do With It...

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by Natbyte, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Day 1:
    My wife left, I lost my my job. The house is falling apart and even the dog ran away sometime last week. I'm tired of this modern world and all of it's traps and pitfalls. I am not brave enough for suicide and I am just strong enough to walk away. Just yesterday I spent my last bit of money on some camping equipment and a trail ticket to the middle of nowhere. I plan to mine for diamonds and gold, live off the land, and only see people when I need to trade for food or goods.

    Day 4:
    I chopped down a few trees and build a simple cabin that I can call home for now. It's located out in Mystery Valley which seems to be about as far away from everyone as you can get. There are beautiful mountains everywhere and more trees than I could ever need. This place is my new paradise. I will thrive here.

    Day 5:
    I work up early and went outside only to be greeted by some ugly green mutherfucker who exploded and took out over half of what I spent the last four days building. Why me?

    Day 10:
    I guess those green creepy bastards are more suicidal than me, but I've managed to stay ahead of them, out run them or trick them into falling off of cliffs. I spent a day recovering when one of them got too close and it broke four of my ribs.

    Day 12:
    I've been pretty successful at finding iron, which is nice because I need it to build more tools. But I'm here to find gold and diamonds not be a stupid iron-farmer. But hey I guess it is better than nothing. Some skinny bastard shot an arrow at my head today too. What the hell?

    Day 13:
    I spent most of he day mining coal. COAL! Gah!

    Day 17:
    I found some great streams to clean the coal dust off so I don't look like a lunatic when I'm in town, Spawn as they call it, selling my wares. These streams move pretty fast, good thing I'm an excellent swimmer.

    Day 30:
    I spend most of my time underground now. Moved my bed down here because it was easier than climbing all the way up my dark tunnel ever night. I've been pretty effective at finding iron and gold and even an occasional diamond, but the new market in Spawn doesn't pay me a lot for them. Seems everyone wants to sell and nobody wants to buy. Especially gold.

    Day 40:
    I have found the MOTHER LOAD of diamonds. I have never seen anything like this. Not even in pictures. The entire ceiling is full of diamonds. Made a tunnel going back and they don't seem to stop. I even dug a hole straight up through the bastards and the diamond vein doesn't seem to stop. I don't care what the prices are at Spawn. I'm going to be the richest man in the world.

    Day 50:
    I had to kill someone today. I caught them wandering around my property. They didn't go into my house, or find my shaft, but I couldn't take chances. I tossed their body into a cave near my house. I'm not sure how they found me, maybe they saw me enter the stargaze I built to get me back and forth to the Hub so I could sell what I have and buy more pickaxes.

    Day 76:
    Had to move my bed again. Every time I go to sleep I hear what I think are voices. Maybe it's the weird creatures that live here, or maybe it's the thief I killed before 00 now haunting me. I don't know. Either way I found a way to down out the voices so I could get to sleep.

    Day 77:
    Had to move again. Fucking angry green things!!!

    Day 80:
    Saw someone else snooping around. But my thinking ahead took care of that! However I still think I need to relocate again. I've stopped mining gold and iron, they weigh too much. But all of my diamonds need moved somewhere safe.

    Day 83:
    Completed my moveā€¦ and the wildest thing happened. Those angry guys who's arms stick straight out. A small group of them befriended me and have agreed to help protect my diamonds. In return I had to help keep everything near their camp nice and dark! I don't trust me too much, so I put in a door that they would be too stupid to figure out.

    Day 100:
    I've been here one hundred days and found more diamonds than I could ever imagine and while my warp to market works perfectly, I simply can't be around people anymore. I just don't trust them. I've been setting up traps all over my mines to catch and kill any intruders who may come around. 1 of the angry men helped build some rails, and design another trap. I've Named him P.Notred in honor of one of the traps.

    Day 124:
    I've left part of my fortune behind - I'm going to try and make it back into civilization but I've hidden clues so i can find this small stash, in case something happens to the big pile of diamonds. I'm not sure I will make it. I just know I need to get out of the region. Every time I look at it something is wrong. It reminds me of my ex-wife Vallery in some weird mysterious way. I miss her. Maybe I can win her back.

    Day 130:
    Society is evil. They all hate me. I can't go anywhere without people turning up their noses at me. Vallery won't talk to me. I'm going to hide this book near my old camp in the desert, if anyone ever finds it. Please know that Angus was here and he tried to be a good man.
    #1 Natbyte, Jun 13, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014

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