Denied Tdog040104 Engineer Plot

Discussion in 'Designers / Engineers' started by tdog040104, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. tdog040104

    tdog040104 New Member

    Jun 18, 2014
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    IGN: tdog040104
    I am a constructor
    I am the only builder
    /p h tdog040104
    please promote me to engineer

    I can't paste the pictures so I'll have an OS check it out
  2. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    This post would normally get denied just for having no pictures, You can see how everyone else managed to upload pictures, you can too. If you need help maybe ask some other designers/engineers what they did...

    now some points....

    You decided to make a coaster which is a very hard thing to do right... my own coaster isn't Engineer quality.

    1) Your track in 99% powered rail, you don't let the thing slow down or use gravity to speed up going down hills like a real coaster.
    2) Your track is all exposed redstone... part of working with RS is learning how to hide it and build around that limitation.
    3) you have track floats in the air in impossible ways, if you are doing a coaster I expect it to make some attempt to have supports under the track like a real coaster.
    4) You have activator rails that activate nothing - ok as a decoration but really just makes on think 'what didn't he do here?"
    5) You don't have a start button or way to get the rail moving othr than drop it on a live track and hope you jump in in time.
    6) Have you ever once in your life seen a coaster that doesn't end right back where it started? Nope. All coasters are a big loop.
    7) Your landscaping is - honestly - boring. You have an OK house and a guy where the track goes into his mouth, but the ground is flat, boring, no details otehr than grass and trees that anyone could grow. FLAT IS BAD, anyone can do flat.
    8) We take the entire plot into consideration - what is that boat and does the water have a hole in the middle?
    9) What is teh glass roof thing in the back of the plot and the house needs more work.
    10) Your lighting skills need improvement... the place looks dismal in the dark.

    If you want engineer - your coaster needs to do fun stuff. Time stops at the top of the hill, lights being activated, doors sliding open at the last second... you need to put it in a fun themed plot where everything is thought out and nice.

    Sorry but this build needs a lot more work.
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 2

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