Team Fortress 2

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by DragonLS, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. DragonLS

    DragonLS Active Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    You know, when it comes to this game, I don't think I've played anything like it.

    Custom Servers
    Fun Red vs Blue-esque battles
    Tons of fan-made videos of the game
    Did I mention Hats?

    Anyway, I used to play the game a long time ago on the Xbox 360, but nothing really made me connect with me. It wasn't until later that the PC version became free (And I bought the Premium package) when I started getting into it. And my god, so much content, so much epic awesomeness.

    And with the new Mann vs Machine update (which feels like a Tower Defense add-on.), it feels even more epic.

    ...It's just a bit sad that every time you go into a MvM game and everyone keeps flaming each other when you've been on the same round 6 times in a row. D:
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