**Disclaimer: The Witness is a highly intellectually difficult, repetitive, and rather tedious game. If you dislike puzzle games, I do not believe this is the game for you.** The Witness -- developed by Jonathan Blow and his Dev. Team -- is a puzzle game with a beautiful scenery. When I say beautiful, I mean it's beautiful; I've never seen a game so colorful such as this game. Anyways, the "plot" of the game is you wake up on some strange island; you have no idea how you got here, you forgot who you are, the only thing left to do is explore the island, searching for clues, solving puzzles, and possibly finding your way back home. ________________________________________________________________________________________ **Warning: If you do not want spoilers, Do not view any of these videos!** Since this us a really, really long game, I've decided to give you guys the option of 3 different gameplays, depending on your attention span. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Option 1: Regular Gameplay (5 hours, 27 minutes, and 31 seconds): ________________________________________________________________________________________ Option 2: 100% Speedrun Gameplay (1 hour, 25 minutes, and 1 second): ________________________________________________________________________________________ Option 3: Any% Speedrun Gameplay (31 minutes and 5 seconds): Enjoy!