What is your in game name? TurtleMan99 Have you read the server rules here? Yes What is your current rank on the server? Settler Do you have enough money in your account? (50,000) Yes What is your towns name? Viva la Fraggy Have you marked your 150x150 region? (this must not be over any other regions) Yes What is the location of your region (Please provide minimum opposite corners of region. All four (4) corners preferred)? Corner One x: 3293.46675 (3293) y:67.000 z: 3589.29050 (3589) Corner Two: 3144.66891 (3144) y: 67.000 z: 3589.30364 (3589) Corner Three: x:3144.57665 (3144) y: 67.000 z:3738.38758 Corner Four: x:3239:66048 (3293) y:67.000 z:3738.70000 (3738) Are you currently a Mayor of any other regions? No How did you earn the money you are using to make this application. I farmed and sold sugar cane, and wheat. I also sold items to friends.
Region replaced by with fraggy_lock with no owners /members due to rank change. Contact a Admin or OS if you want the protection removed.