Who Am I?

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by shadowslasher11, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    I'm not going to delve into too much, because I'm tired of telling this whole story over and over and over again.

    Point is, I've lied. A lot. Over the past 3 years, most of what I've said has been nothing more but a lie.

    How'd it start? 8th grade research paper. Decided to try mine on the social activity of the internet against different types of minds. More out-there vs calm and relaxed. The experiment went on for 3 months, and I became addicted to it by the end of it by mistake. I carried that lie for the last 3 years on my shoulders, and only recently became overwhelmed with total guilt because of it.

    So, who am I? My name is still Matt, though my last name is not Shadow. It's actually Storm when translated. I'm 17 years old, and live south of Chicago. Hate it here to be honest. Not much to do that doesn't cost a huge price, I have pretty decent friends though. Most of them are nice to me where I'm not getting mad a lot at them. I don't have a girlfriend, so ya. I've had one, though she was crazy and was duller than you imagine.

    I suffer from constant depression and mental breakdowns. I also have anger issues when it comes to a lot of stuff. I've been working to get it under control, though I doubt it's actually working for me. I fear I suffer from an attention problem. Where I'm constantly trying to draw attention to myself to make myself stand out, (For example, my older posts). Probably one reason why I got addicted to this whole thing in the first place since my parents don't give me enough recognition for what I like doing.

    *Sigh* Well, there's my whole story. I guess. Please don't hate me for all this. >_<

    My stupid looking hairy face with my computer setup... :p

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