Basic Commands: /afk - sets you to be away form keyboard. /blockinfo - Shows block information including it's real name. /compass [sourceName] (targetName) (x) (z) (worldname) (-s) - Sets compass target to location or specific location on map. /ping - shows your current ping in milliseconds. /msg - sends a message to another player. /chat [playerName/off] - enables persistent chat mode where you can write public messages and they will be sent only to defined player. /checkexp (playerName) - Checks players exp level with no name specified shows your own experience level. /helpop [message] - sends message to help channel and any player who can give help will see that message. /ignore (playerName/uuid/all) - add/remove player to ignore list. /iteminfo - shows item in hand information. /lastonline [timeRange/list/stop] [page] - shows list of last online players from time range. Excludes currently online players. /list - Shows list of online. /near (distance) - shows players near you. /msgtoggle (playerName) - Toggles private messages on and off. /playtime (playerName) - shows players playtime. /playtimetop - shows top list sorted by players play time. /pos (playerName) - prints current position including chunk and world region coordinates, light level and appropriate nether world coordinates mouse over info in chat. /recipe (itemName) - Shows recipe for item by provided name or from players hand. Option to click on any item in recipe GUI to check its recipe. /delhome (homeName) - removes home from player by defined name. /reply or /r [message] - reply to last player who messaged you. /seen [playerName/uuid] - shows last time player was seen. /sethome (homeName) - sets home location for you or target player, if name not defined then home is used by default. /sit - sit down where you standing. /tps - shows current server Ticks Per Second. /whowas [playerName] - shows players previous names. /dispose - easily dispose of your unwanted items. /me [message] - sends broadcast type message for emotes. /suicide - Allows you to kill yourself. Remember a lot of commands now support mouse over, for example if you type /home it will list your homes, you can click on the home name on the screen and be teleported! Trade Commands: /trade - Shows all possible trade commands and information. /trade [playername] - Sends trade offer to specified player. /trade accept - Accept currently pending trade request or click Accept on the screen. /trade deny - Refuses a players trade request. /trade block [playername] - Blocks trade requests from player (per user). /trade toggle - Toggles global trade accepts (per user).