Survival Wilderness Survival 1.13.2 Previous Months Updates Archive

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by Natbyte, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Wilderness Minecraft Survival Server
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    December 6th 2018
    - Updated Spigot to build 1975

    December 3rd 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1970
    - Phantom spawn mechanic adjusted. Phantom's will not spawn until you have not slept for 6 in game days.

    November: Wilderness Minecraft Survival Server

    Connect On:

    November 27th 2018
    - Updated Spigot to build 1965
    - Death Messages enabled again and updated.

    November 23rd 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1964
    - /adventurers command now also shows the ranks requirements.
    - GriefPrevention plugin updated to version 16.11.5

    November 22nd 2018
    - Updated Spigot to build 1960

    November 14th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1952
    - The End has been reset.
    - DragonSlayer temporarily disabled due to an ongoing glitch issue.

    November 9th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1942
    - Fixed Grief Prevention issue with claims.
    - Updated a number of plugins to now fully support 1.13.2

    October: Wilderness Minecraft Survival Server
    Connect On:

    October 29th 2018
    - Updated Spigot to build 1930
    - Updated to Server to Minecraft Version 1.13.2

    October 23th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1915

    October 13th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1911
    - /pioneers command now also shows the ranks requirements.

    October 11th 2018

    - Server will automatically restart at 4.00am GMT everyday.

    October 7th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1909
    - Phantom behavior adjusted (see below for details)

    Normally, phantoms spawn above players who have had three or more Minecraft days of not sleeping. After the phantom spawns, when the player uses a bed or is killed, phantoms will continue to haunt the same player until they cannot find the player, in which case they will move on to assault any other player regardless of if they rested.

    In single player, the above is not a problem since the player can skip the night and let the sun kill off the phantoms. However, that's not the case for multiplayer servers where players have to endure phantom attacks until the next sunrise.

    Phantoms will now ignore players who used the bed within last three Minecraft days. Phantoms will ignore players who uses the bed or is killed. Phantoms now de-spawn when they try to target the rested player.

    October 6th 2018
    - Updated Spigot to build 1908

    October 2nd 2018
    - Updated Spigot to build 1902
    - Server Hardware Updated

    I have decided to move the Wilderness Survival server onto an improved hardware platform, the new server includes Solid State Drives (SSDs) gone are the old mechanical hard drives. Along with a welcome return to an i7 CPU, as Minecraft is a single threaded application, it is more suited to an i7 as opposed to the Xeon CPU previously used.

    Specs are:

    CPU: Intel Core i7-4770
    HDD: 2 x SSD SATA 256 GB
    Memory: 32GB DDR3

    September: Wilderness Minecraft Survival Server
    Connect On:

    September 30th 2018
    - Updated Spigot to build 1899
    - Greif Prevention updated to v16.11.4

    September 26th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1893
    - Phantoms will no longer spawn in spawn ;)
    - Greif Prevention updated to v16.11.3

    September 18th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1879
    - Added /adventurers command to display all additional commands the Adventurers gain with the rank.

    September 16th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1877

    September 11th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1865

    September 10th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1862
    - Added 5 more crafting recipes.

    September 9th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1860
    - 2 custom crafting recipes added.

    September 6th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1848
    - Grief Prevention Updated to v16.9 (improved 1.13.1 compatibility)
    - Player death messages, mob names and grammar corrected.

    September 4th 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1847
    - The End has been reset.

    September 3rd 2018

    - Updated Spigot to build 1845
    - /trade is enabled again bug has been fixed.
    - /stats added for all players, view your in game stats, mouse over text for more details.

    September 1st 2018
    - Updated to Minecraft 1.13.1
    - Updated Spigot to build 1837
    - /trade temporarily disabled due to a bug with 1.13.1 (will be enabled as soon as fixed).
    #1 Natbyte, Nov 9, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
    • Winner Winner x 1