Zane - A Minecraftian Tale Of Friendship - Part One

Discussion in 'Written' started by Legopossible, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Zane used to be a lonely silverfish, burrowing through the ground. Along came a player who petted her, and named her, and played with her all day round'. How this player adored Zane, protected her from the elements of wind and rain, and how Zane was the perfect pet all along, how this player never suspected that one day she'd be alone.

    It was a raging storm throwing Zane and the player this way and that, like a human swatting at a gnat. A tornado, vortex, spinning up inside, insane and outrageous like a terrifying park ride. The wind and the hail, how better would have been hell, to walk into and through, and out the other side as well.

    But the other side, but where would that be? Lost in the lightning, rain, and towering trees? The storm didn't quit, it just raged on and on, through the wilderness, lost in the zone, player and pet, bound hand and hand, and Zane couldn't afford to lose her very best friend.

    But there she dropped, to the ground fraile and weak, so far from safety, where everything looked bleak, but even in those conditions, that silverfish had a mission, a journey, and expedition. Lone in the freezing storm, trudged on Zane. Void from the cold, unforgiving pain. Only one thought the silverfish could think oblivious to danger, like the Lone Ranger, where Zane's face turned pink.

    Beat by hail, slapped by the wind, stabbed by rain, a message to send, ignorant to death. nothing to live for left, but on that silverfish went. Forged by the will and bent by all things future or past, how to save her friend at last? A willing heart and a powerful soul, couldn't be stopped cause that's how she rolls.

    But out from behind a log came something more, a small pack of wolves looking for a meal. A silverfish in sight, just over the hill. Zane stopped, her first sign of fear, but quite enough to bring her to tears, she RAN! Wolves close behind for a time she couldn't stand, the wolves pounced, but willing she can, she jumped in a log thinking she was safe, but in this situation that wasn't the case.

    The wolves pounded at the log with might when *SNAP*, over the cliff. Their meal out of sight. To Zane someone pulled the lever to let her fall forever when *SMASH*.

    Zane awoke less than an hour later, covered in blood. A horrid flavour of dirt and dust and the long lost lust of a lonely silverfish. The storm was receding, an injured Zane proceeding, when she realized she was lost in the trees and the moss, oh how unlucky she was! Along trudged the bloody silverfish, a lot more left to do left on her dish.

    A long time later, three miles have passed, when along came a miracle at last. A lost sheep, a friend to be made, something needed, for the willpower to the game of life, event the slight apprehension of civilization nearby. Zane and the sheep made somewhat of a deal, to civilization, find, they will.

    Along the trek, something bad happened. A flash flood smashed through the valleys, leaving Zane and the sheep nearly separated. Again, how could this happen? The only problem, silverfish can't swim. Left to die when things looked dim.
    Zane went unconscious.

    Zane awoke. Where was she? Strange looking buildings and trees, a wet, nearly dead sheep.
    Zane got up and walked over to him. She could only expect the sheep to be a dead man. Zane explored the area, filled with sorrow. She went back to sleep and waited for tomorrow.

    When she awoke she saw this strange looking creature looking down at her, she didn't know but this was a villager. This was her last hope, she told the villager about her friend, he agreed to help prevent her end.

    They waited out for the flood to lower, Zane took him back to path heroically. They climbed up the cliff, and past the wolf's hideaway, Zane determined to save the day. They found the player, lying on the ground twindled and stuck in the vines wrapped around her.

    Zane saw the blanket that had been wrapped around her, her memories flooding back when in the distance she saw a sheep nursing the unconscious body with herbs and plants with healing properties. The villager gasped, for this was his sheep he lost long ago, at the end of the week. Here we all were like a caring family, Zane cuddled up beside the cold body when she heard a whisper. "She's long gone Zane, we have to leave her."

    Zane refused at first, but the villager was right. We need shelter and it's nearly night.
    But then a near-tradegy struck once again, from the wolves den they followed us here, hiding in the shadows, waiting for the moment to strike, and now they shall feed. The villager and the sheep run, but Zane stays right there. The wolves pounce, to get to the player, when *WHAM*. This comes a suprise to the wolves. The silverfish wasn't playing. She fought back full force. The wolves, scared, ran away, retreating. No longer focused on pouncing or eating. Zane caught up to the villager and the sheep, stopping them. She was going to say something, but changed her mind. Zane ran out of sight. She couldn't comprehend the all the sudden, terrible turns in her life.

    She just wanted to die.
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  2. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    This is... great... and depressing ;(

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