Limited PVP Areas
The focus of our server is Survival and NOT PVP, however we do understand that on occasion players will want to go to special areas where they can PVP freely. In order to accommodate this we have set aside some special areas for your combat needs.
- The Pvp arena (W.I.P) - You can go here and fight your brains out - literally - all day long. There are NO rules. Players can toss potions, they can be in disguise, they can take and keep your stuff after you die. Staff will not monitor or care about your complaints if you enter the arena.
- Special Events - From time to time we hold special events where PVP is enabled. Modhunt, Mobhunts, Spleefing, etc... these events will clearly state that PVP is enabled and you should only go into them knowing you may die and accepting the loss.
- The Nether - PvP is enabled everywhere in the nether (besides the spawn area and on top of the nether)! Be aware and try to avoid other players killing you!
Last Modified: Mar 24, 2017 at 12:20 PM
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM