Minecraft Server Updates and Plugin Versions:
- McMyAdmin Professional to
- HeroChat v4.7.4 to v4.7.6
- Magic Carpet v1.4.4 to v1.4.5
- LWC v1.63 to v2.00 (MySQL)
- SignColours v0.3
- BorderGuard Lite v2.20
It recently came to our attention that a list of approximately 1,000 Minecraft account names and passwords were made freely available on the internet. We believe this list consists of information collected by a group of malicious users from a well known "griefing team". How the information in this list was obtained is not sure, but we suspect they collected them through the use of hacked clients that pretend to only give you extra features like flying or seeing through blocks but actually send your account information to the creators as well.
The first thing we did when we acquired this information was to inform Mojang of this crisis, however, we feel we can do a bit more for the community while we wait for them to handle the situation properly as we've learned that there's a high possibility that the griefing team is aware that their list has been made public. As such, we are going to be pre-emptively banning compromised accounts with an informative reason. Unfortunately, MCBans did not have a means of merely informing compromised accounts that their username and password have been discovered, so banning them with a brief message telling them so is the only option.
If there is ONE thing you read in this announcement, it should be this: we urge everyone to go and change their passwords NOW, keeping in mind the following tips on creating better passwords:
- Passwords should not contain words found in the dictionary
- Passwords should contain a mixture of upper and lowercase characters.
- Passwords should contain a mixture of letters and numbers.
- Passwords should contain punctuation characters and symbols such as: % & + - = #.
- Choose a password you can remember but don't make it too easy.
- Passwords should be at LEAST 8 characters in length,...
- Minecraft Server Version Beta 1.3
- McMyAdmin Professional
- Bukkit from 535 to 557
- GroupManager version 1.0(alpha-5)
- Fake Permissions version 2.5.1
- LWC v1.63
- Essentials build Dev 2.0.867
- WorldEdit 4.2
- Vanish v1.5
- Reserved version 2.2.2b
- HeroChat version 4.7.4
- Magic Carpet version 1.4.4
- WorldGuard 4.0-alpha1
- BigBrother v1.7.1
- AntiGrief - Version
Minecraft Server Building Contest Rules:
- You can submit up to 3 screenshots of your structure.
- Screenshots need to be emailed to Natbyte for initial judging before the closing date.
- You can add a description of the screenshots.
- Texture packs can be used for the screenshots.
- A pre-selection of 5 finalists will be made by Natbyte.
- Entries will need to be verified they exist on
- Finalists will be placed into a public vote on the minecraft server website.
- The more creative and innovative the better.
- Remeber visual appeal is important.
- This is a solo build competition.
- The Winner will receive an iPod Touch
Closing Date April 30th 2011
Jason Rohrer used a custom minecraft launcher that works with a USB stick. This launcher allows you to play a special "Chain World". The basic idea is that you play the game until you die, at which point you are supposed to quit, and the world is saved on the USB key. Then the USB key is passed to the next player.
Original Chain World Commandments
1. Run Chain World via one of the included “run_ChainWorld” launchers.
2. Start a single-player game and pick “Chain World”.
3. Play until you die exactly once.
* Erecting wooden signs with text is forbidden
* Suicide is permissible.
4. Immediately after dying and respawning, quit to the menu.
5. Allow the world to save.
6. Exit the game and wait for your launcher to automatically copy Chain World back to the USB stick.
7. Pass the USB stick to someone else who expresses interest.
8. Never discuss what you saw or did in Chain World with anyone.
9. Never play again.
For more information visit the Chain World website.
Hello and welcome back to Blackreaver Minecraft Server! We have been on a long period of troubles which manifested in temporary map woes, griefers abound and worse still... Treepers. But no more. Now be a clever fellow and read this entire post before asking the Admins needlessly in game.
Obligatory information - to enter the server, type into your multi player IP address box in the Minecraft client.
The builders rights application process is in full effect. The thread can be found here.
You are required to post your application in our forum thread, an Admin will need to check up on it so we can confirm you and make you builder on Minecraft Server.
So after a long absence, Natbyte has returned from the depths of the Nether, stronger than ever and he brought back a whole bag of Goodies!
Ranks & Permissions!
Chest Protection!
And much more!
Please be aware - All rules are in full effect. If you try to grief, you'll just get what's coming to you. Otherwise you are free to add awesome things to the lands!
Obligatory info - to enter the server, type into your multi player IP address box in the Minecraft client.
First of all, we are currently running a temporary map, which is on a free-to-build basis. Meaning you do not have to apply for builder rights on this map. However, this only temporary.
The application process is not suspended indefinitely.
You are still encouraged to post your application in our thread, as the Admins will need to check up on it when the normal map returns.
The thread can be found here.
Secondly, you might be wondering why we aren't running any plugins at all. This is due to an incompatibility with both the unofficial 134 build of hMod and the CraftBukkit preview. Without a server wrapper, we cannot run plugins, and as such the server is lacking a lot of functionality.
Included, but not limited to, is the lack of setting a /home location, using warps or stargates, chest protection and area protection through Cuboid, player ranks and channel chat.
The big question - when will all functionality be restored? There is no definite time frame set. Natbyte, the server owner, is currently busy with other things, and will get back to sorting it out
when he finds the time. Until then, try not to ask the Admins all the time.
Finally, there has been a surge in griefer activity on the server, stemming from the free-to-build status and lack of protection plugins. Despite the temporary map status, our rules are still in full effect. If you mess up, you will be banned. Play fair and relax for a while, until the server goes back to its normal status.
Server Status: Buildable,...
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM