New Profile Posts

  1. AmberIsAPenguin
    Like all of these other status updates, it has been a hot minute..
    1. AmberIsAPenguin
      I can't believe i joined December 1st, 2014..
      May 17, 2019
  2. xX_Ricio_Xx
    xX_Ricio_Xx Audrey9100
    wow cant believe we are still friends and like 18 lol
  3. Sahib
  4. Verlit
    Been a while. Add me on Snapchat: iangelleigh | Instagram: iangeleigh
  5. DeifyTrauma
    well damn 6 years since i joined the server and its been fun i joined back in Dec 2012 and made this forum account in Feb 2013 :D
  6. SimplyNova
    SimplyNova Death_Witch
    Aye Nova has to leave a message here for you to remember him by. Just remember though, cobblestone boxes, make great neighbors.
  7. IllusionIte_
    1. xariaxx likes this.
    2. IllusionIte_
      If anyone wants to see a much better version without lag, its on the same channel.
      Sep 26, 2018
    3. xariaxx
      very neat!
      Sep 30, 2018
      IllusionIte_ likes this.
  8. _Beep_
    Build underwater, I said. It'll be fun, I said...
  9. hunterhtbmx
  10. SimplyNova
    There are desires, and beliefs. Ones desires are based upon their beliefs, and their beliefs upon their desires. It is as simple as that.
  11. fox
    back from the dead
  12. mythologyzeus
    Man, this server brings me back to the those days.
  13. Legopossible
    Your friend forever!
  14. SimplyNova
    I do not forgive, I do not forget. The fire has risen, and enveloped all that was left. There is just wraith.
  15. SimplyNova
    Arrogance, toned. Confidence, boosted. Knowledge, ever expanding. Sarcasm, locked and loaded. Nova is back, and better than ever.
  16. Shanks
    The server is back up guys, you can stop crying xD
    1. Marshall
      Aug 7, 2018
    2. Tiddler39
      I will always shed a tear
      Aug 8, 2018
  17. SimplyNova
    To those of who I have had the privilege to meet in this community, who actually treated me equal, thank you. You were the few to care.
  18. Code_Blue
  19. Davidthemerc
  20. Villa7
    RIP MCS, Im gonna miss it.