Separate names with a comma.
Its a video i fonud on yt :P
See you in another time.. my lord *sniff*
IGN: Looken <--- Line inserted by dzyriq [Spoiler]
lol do me :D
Oh you mean our island... woops! WE created a cave system and name it the Precarious Labyrinth. So feel free to build your bridges to our island...
Shovahkiins dance at spawn! FT. FillWerrel and DJ Sheep Looken [ATTACH]
Techteller96, Can you explain please? Why my sheep are being sacrificed?
Build name: Shinsei no Sakura (Cherry Blossom Tree of Divinity) Prize: Survival [Spoiler] Wanted a Japanese-theme tree :P and it turned out...
Ashlin had super-hearing powers and heard the baa's and neigh's of the infected sheep and horses heading towards the group, so s/he stopped...
NeddzyNoodle, still in danger of monster, shrugged at bobos193's lifeless body, when a hoard of froth-mouted dumb horses and sheep started...
Brigganof, using her horse-magic, cast the storm aside, and fired a bolt at the monster, but it was heading straight to NeddzyNoodle
The Mad Sheep virus had mutated so that it could infect other horses, through rapid horse-to-horse transmission, Equestria started building up of...
NeddzyNoodle had no choice, he had to go, and so he went to the Happy-Go-Lucky Courts of Equestria in downtown Manhooften, the judges,...
:This conversation was documented by the UNEH Social Communicative Service: Carlotto: Dr Herb, this sheep, there is something wrong with it Dr...
Carlotto trotted down the meadows and to the river, where he drank the stream of fresh, cold refreshing water. He looked up and saw a sheep with...
Looken over sees this sheepmetamorphisis and was delighted that his fellow friends are becoming one of his kind... Shovahkiin.
Lets start off the story shall we? The people of Althea was excited to see the Hunger Games idea being made into, with a massive crowd hungry...
He devolved.