Separate names with a comma.
I already put the same exact quote a comment before you lol
Those look delicious! I want one... Those also look amazing. I love both layers of that "biscotti" by themselves, I can only imagine what they...
Yes. Absolutely yes. but also, just want to see some suggestions for myself.
Ahem, Exa? Edit: Wow, it's a miracle that that actually worked
Hey, this is just a little thread I thought I'd make. Just some general chat, and maybe, during the course of this thread, we'll get to know each...
Das pwetty neat. [ATTACH]
I do think that this build is designer worthy. I enjoy the smaller scale and nice woodsy path. Support for this build, and the best of luck to you.
Banned for banning the banner who banned me. Banner.
How do you get in? Do I need an invite?
Banned for reviving this thread
Yes. I like the rustic style, and it shows great scale for a designer build.
Very nice, this is what all other Minecraft snow globes should be judged by. Your place, proportion, and size all fit the requirements/mood. Support.
This vote was particularly hard. Like Lego said, timing was your downfall in this app, and I personally think you could have placed it in a Taiga...
I can tell this took you a while to do, and it looks pretty nice, but I voted no because, as Lego said, there isn't really that "Finished Build"...
Get job for such a small scale, not too crowded, but I just don't think this will cut it. Maybe add the blimp from the movie, or terraform that...
Not a huge fan of the lazer recreation, but I think it should be enough to cut it for designer.
I can agree with that. I saw him build a little bit of this thing. support
Okay, well, I scratched that idea and came up with a new YouTube (and Twitter account to go with) channel with my dad. We predict and follow...
I've done the parkour. Parkour is decent, but I love the builds that surround the parkour. Also, that roller coaster inside the cactus (or flower,...