Separate names with a comma.
If you aren't going to play it or give any feedback about the game other than the fact that you don't want to play it, why even comment?
Honestly, scariest game I have ever played. Amnesia, Outlast, Exmortis, none cross to where this has gone. It doesn't simply rely on jump scares,...
Breakfast club 1985: Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong....
Self explanatory.
Didn't know I was meant to remove the ip :3
If this is just because you are bored of creative and don't like the pressure as you mentioned yesterday, I would seriously rethink the idea and...
So ive been playing on this pixelmon server lately. It requires the pixelmon 1.7.2 mod and 1.7.2 forge to play [both found on...
Atlanta Georgia, my mothers maiden name is gretchen and bank pin is 1314
*cough cough* Tdog... I hate to break it to you, but no one is supporting you... they are just joking. You aren't getting OS.-Purple Immediately...
I can almost promise you it will end like this: [IMG]
Hello ever1, Mndud iz muh partnur 4 planit minecraft nd we r her 2 inspec ur server. plz op us 4 inspecing!!1!!(one)1!!
I think you are sooper experienced and defs deserve da OS spots and such. plox remimbir me win u r da OS rankz
Everyone in America should know their rights and amendments. I'm truly sorry you didn't pay attention in history but everyone should know them....
I plead the fifth amendment.
He told me you suck at the game so i dont know m8
Bring yer game bruh
Remember to add others that post their names here if ya want.
New to Origin, adding anyone I can. IGN is carson378 or just tell me yours here.
[media] Ever wanted to feel like a damn knight riding a dragon fighting every evil entity and going on epic quests for eternity? That. This song...