Separate names with a comma.
Such beauty.. Such architecture.. Makes me want to play the game again!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt.2, teared up when it ended. :c And pretty much whenever a character I like dies.
I'd actually love to see you guys recreate the Hunger Game's arena, wether it be the one from the first book or the second (Catching Fire). I...
Updated the main post with 4 more addons! Please feel free to post any suggestion you have and i'll update the OP and give you credit. Also could...
Checked yesterday night, beta phase 4 will be on August 15 ^^ The client is available for download atm, and it can be used for the beta and...
Good job on the guide, but it'd be better if you didn't use that bold font, it kinda hurts my eyes reading it ;)
Bump. Does anyone know when open beta phase 4 is? When I found out I got into the beta (damn e-mail put it in junk) it was right when phase 3...
Gonna have to wait until they release a Mac version, games seems pretty fun so I might get it. I really hope it's on Steam or at least will be in...
Gotta say thank you to natbyte for starting all of this! If it wasn't for him we wouldn't all be here, so thank you Nat for creating such a...
Welcome back Nedd! <3
Oh lawd both of those songs are just absolutely amazing! I personally like the 8-bit one more because it's much more upbeat and fun, but still...
Had this song on repeat for the past month, can never get too much of Lana! [media]
Banned for hi guys
Why would Beckie want to even waste her time with an argument that started because she said someone was her slave? Seriously, this is completely...
I'd change into Beyoncé. Do I even need to explain myself?