Separate names with a comma.
I know but if you want a moving image (not a gif or webm) or something you can interract with (like javascript) say
yeah, I wasn't exactly making a proper document haha, but it still wouldnt work. but it'd be nice if something like <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body>...
I'm aware that this could become dangerous if someone inserted something very bad which is why I suggest we have a certain rank and above limit on...
rather then the server going "this is html: <html> bla bla bla bla <html>" it just becomes part of the server's html. I guess so. Also it doesnt...
<a href="">bla</a> <a href="">bla</a> <a...
r8 8/8 m8 no d-b8 m8 i h8 2 b in an ir8 st8 but its my f8 hey m8 i apreci8 that u r8 it gr8. Ask n8 or k8 they also r8 8/8.
Could not agree more i dont know why i never thought of this but 10/10 agree. Good thread, you have my backing.
ooh Just Cause? 2? Very nice!
The second one is my current, and the other two are my previous. What does your background look like MCS?[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
He's right actually now you think about it, Marshall if you had to put a sign on everything it would really mess up your design
I second this would actually be a very good idea.
1) would work, I dont know how you're going to do this 2) OS I think are with me when they say they're too busy. Also usually most OS are offline...
did you just imply you're a kind lovely person by all means I agree, but i'm going to start doing this i be like "i saw a kind lovely person with...
not everyone also owns an android, iphone or tablet which can download apps honestly get staff to /spawn you, it's easier
You can only do this if you trust an external source to actually manage and have you log-in details i honestly think this is a bad idea and I dont...
my apologies I clicked reply on the wrong post XD omg sorry
I am listening and trying to construe sense, and I kinda get what you're saying. If you disconnect from game and change the IP of the server to...
YOU CANNOT TALK IN PORTALS IF YOU ARE TRAPPED YOU CANNOT TALK OR OPEN UP CHAT if you're in game, and you see me, message me and i'll show you
hey it's debatable tbh, we should wait until an OS replies on what would be easier. Because either way would work, for us it's personal...