Separate names with a comma.
What is your in game name? Ricio999 Have you read the server rules here? Yes I have What is your current rank on the server? Hunter Do you have...
Update 6: The exterior of the building is finished! Now we are starting to get the games ready! We already have 3 games in BETA which includes...
Update 5: A lot of progress has been made today! I can now confirm that the Release Date will be in OCTOBER! Thank you to Assassin for that 1200...
Here is the Entrance.. more will be build and I will screenshot it soon
Pretty much Mn, in a way.. and also I use them to pay people to help so in a way it is helping the build progress going faster.. more builders =...
Update 4: We are starting to work on the designs that make up the structure, I have also added a Comment Box to leave any comment about the place....
Update 3: Plot is finally cleared and building has begun! Vandenluc11 has been added as a Helper.. 1 Designer/Archi needed and 1 Engineer needed!...
Update 2: I have decided with some of our players that we will have themes every month... as in December as Christmas, July as America, April as...
Hey guys! So today I recently thought to myself that I want to make a really fun place for us to play games! I kind of got some inspiration from...
Get one! Just put one on Layaway and get it in the Holiday Seasons :P
Not me Ponm :P
Now.. Harry I don't wanna get into any trouble with staff.. So I am just not gonna argue about this.
Harry it is actually $500 for a XboxOne with Kinect and $400 for One with no Kinect.. also PS4's are only $400 here also.
I have to say Xbox One on this one.. When I got my Xbox One 3 months ago.. I was gonna get a PS4 but I like the exclusives on the Xbox One.. like...
My shitty computer :P Specs: HP 2000 Laptop AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 1.30 GHz 4GB Ram (I need to upgrade.. If I can :P) iHome...
Fill did nothing to you.. he gave you tips and tried to you save money, so if anyone is being the jackass it is you, because you are accusing Fill...
A Taco Bell :3
I would love to see if they are gonna use some weapons.. like a ladder, chair, etc. That would be a great add-on! :)