Separate names with a comma.
natbyte - 8 BSPiotr - 10 Dzyriq - 8 stanky2 - 4 Thr0ttie - 14 AquaXV - 4 Admin Serite - 10 For them cookies DragonLS - 8 FillWerrel - 8...
Overseer natbyte - 8 BSPiotr - 10 Dzyriq - 10 stanky2 - 8 Thr0ttie - 10 AquaXV - 8 For that one time you got that joke I didn't want you to get....
omg i see my name. FAN CLUB HAS BEGUN!
:D Agreed
You see. There was no "Rude" rating. First instinct was "OLD!!!"
Wheres my mob? .-. so betrayed But hey good job m8 :D
I decided its time. I think only some people will get this... very very few.... [ATTACH]