Separate names with a comma.
Hello! So, I was thinking about Minecraft, and I thought, "What if there were Quartz Tools?" I decided to make this poll. So, here is what...
LOL watkinni I should probably start mine when I get a chance :D
lol Clarinet_Creeper... [ATTACH] Was it something I said?
Yep, Salamence is a Pokémon :D [ATTACH]
Uhhh... Some more for me! Tentacruel,Geodude,Graveler,Golem,Ponyta,Rapidash, Slowpoke,Slowbro,Magnemite,Magneton,Farfetch'd,Doduo,...
FYI: I am a pokemon master: Vulpix,Ninetales,Jigglypuff,Wigglytuff,Zubat,Golbat, Oddish,Gloom,Vileplume,Paras,Parasect,Venonat,...
TechTeller and I are apparently Pokemon nerds. How am I? Look. At. My. Name.
-_- Do I even have to think about mine? A Salamence that has been harnessed by Team Plasma. Since they are THE WORST at catching Pokemon, they...
Before I read this -I bought anything I found -I hardly knew what to do in keyshop -I bought whatever in auctions -I get mad because I can't get...
IGN:MetaSalamence99 [spoiler] P.S. I haven't been voted for...
Hi guys, I finally got enough money for Trader! :D! IGN:MetaSalamence99 Yes, I have read the rules! My current rank is Settler. Yes, I...
Wow, Crystal, that is Outstanding!
MetaSalamence99 Wonder Tree Prize Survival It's the best I could do + the leaves are disappearing! [Spoiler]
Umm.. in that case, the song was good.
What? I am at a loss of what this video is about...
Hey there! A couple of days ago I got this awesome idea for a build contest! It was: Well, they can try to make the best item from Wreck-it Ralph!...
Thanks everyone I am in third place!
IGN:MetaSalamence99 Hmmm... this was a tough one! [spoiler] Also, if we have to choose our prize if we win, I choose designer rank.