Separate names with a comma.
Puberty amirite [ATTACH] -> [ATTACH]
Don't really have any experience with either of the xbox one or ps4 (wii u master race), however I've had a lot of good experiences with xbox...
Oh my god, I am so sorry :(((((((( That's actually the saddest thing I've read on here, I send my Condolences
So far I have only picked up 2 copies of Terraria (One for my friend). For the first time, my wallet is still heavy after day one. Also #GreenIsGod
Woops Mah bad
Hey, Steam Summer Sale just started and it's time to empty your steam wallets guys! So far i have only picked up two copies of Terraria (One for...
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. Bill Cosby
It's a big deal Imo, and most of my friends thought it was pretty cool too. Anyways, congrats and if you see my plays you'd best select it :P
Guys add Tech on steam before he gets too many friend requests, the fame goes to his head, and he forgets us all. But in seriousness, he's kinda...
[media] Many of you prolly don't play dota, But one of the biggest Dota channels is DotaCinema. They were recently looking for more people to...
Really sad how the game turned out :/ I was really excited for it, I religiously followed it's development through multiple youtube channels for...
i just caught likeposeidon going really fast on creative. looked like hacks to me. sorry i posted this here, i couldnt find the place for hackers....
herobrine is real and harry and fill are haters and I've met him and we're best friends and notch is fake and herobrine owns mojang and his...
Doto :D [ATTACH]
Bump: It's been a month and no one has even commented.
Traveller Requirements: You must be a Settler or higher rank. You must have enough funds in you account to pay for the rank. You must have read...
banned cuz I'm unbanned from the forums now :crazyrabbit:
Yeah, I agree. I think Reach was a better game. Though Things were OP in that game, it's nothing compared to some of the stuff that was Halo 4. At...
Lol that game is dead beyond belief now imo. Mndude is probably the highest level in the world :P