Separate names with a comma.
Funny songs [media] [media] [media] [media] [media] [media] I have more but speak to me for more xD
[media] [media] I also have a slight addiction for dubstep.. [media] [media] [media] [media]
[media] I also have an interest for rap. Here's a few favourites [media] [media] [media] [At time of typing I think i'm going to be here till...
[media] and oh boy so many more Owl City songs (If you want more ask in msg for reccomendations) Then 30 Seconds To Mars [media] [media] [media]...
Ookaaaay here's ma list Owl City (DANG U LEGO) (JK) [media] [media] [media] [media] [media] [media]
Not gonna lie I have this very same problem. Even on facebook I cause stirs and controversy everywhere I go. I've honestly got better by thinking...