Separate names with a comma.
The server, the players. You, I, everyone else that plays on this server. It would just as much affect us as the staff, which is why we are...
I disagree with how you say that it isn't a big deal and that he should've just destroyed the potion. If he just destroys the potion, he wouldn't...
Also, It makes sense that if he can hack in a potion then perhaps he can hack in more things, it just takes one exploit to cause quite a bit of...
The walrus dies in the end!
ninja sex party dude
I like the game but it is fairly boring on lower levels. I enjoy playing on either level 5 or 7 because the AI's actually build militaries and...
The alamo! Fortress, real battles happened there so what better? Multiple barracks and places to take shelter, plus rooms inside and out for...
*bans natbyte and becomes the owner*
Ok. I believe I am finally finished. I took about a weeks break from working on it because of life stuff going on, but I came back to it this...
*unbans because super awesome*
What happened here and why is serite a pony?
I blame Dettles!
I griefed spawn with super pick and started flipping out thinking i was going to get banned lol
My mom is. Oh Momocon not momcon.
And then the dragon kills the giant zombie because ender dragon = OP and then these guys got a hold of the dragon: [media]
w0t m8?
Yeah that would never work. Also Cepheid get on hardcore!
Cepheid is right, change it to Serite Immediately Ender! XD
And that, kids, is how babies are born.
Hey if you use Techno Hideo as the font, I think it might look better like that.