Separate names with a comma.
True, but stanky needs to step down from all this praise he gets, its for the server, not for himself ;)
How wasteful of resources
Banned for stating the obvious
Banned for having a shady permalink url
Banned for frontseat modding
Banned for backseat modding them backseaters. Oh, I be so clever
Banned for having 400th reply to the thread
It is possible to spawn in the over world. You just need to do the 'ritual' in the dimension you want. All that has been disclosed about the...
Banned for being a staff
Oh, mine as my little brothers account, who's name is Zach, he played on singleplayer, i played on multiplayer. Eventually, we just got sick of...
Granted, but its turns out to be one of these unicorns, you put it up for adoption I wish for a porpoise
Granted but the puppies are allergic to eachother I wish for some duplo blocks
Granted, but then you started reading your own mind, and created a loop you can never escape I wish for the best birthday September 5th (Hint...
Granted, but then you accidentally tipped it up side down and drowned in reeses pieces. I wish for a balloon on a stick
Granted but the stink was so wretched you died from that instead I wish for a new pair of fuzzy socks, and a cup of hot chocolate
Techteller96 then wakes up from his dream I wish for a mousepad
Granted, but it wasn't as purrfect as you though I wish for a blade of grass
All I saw was natural land Desecrated by sponges
Darn, I told my brother not to use my alt. account....