Separate names with a comma.
I think that this is actually a really good tutorial, but can I ask a question? Isn't there another word for these people instead of troll? I...
WHAT!? Seriously, I have been waiting for this command for around half a year and now you are telling me that this is only for ARCH.!? Aghhhhhhh...
Not but enough to give me the words that say "amazing." Coming from me that's pretty rare.
That's where I stopped (sadly I think I have an addiction with sarcasm) (Also I'm kidding don't kill me)
Noob - new guy Join date - how old you are in a certain thing
I joined like 3 weeks after you joined :/
Ah ok Well I joined around 7 months ago so :P
Is it bad if I have no idea who Exavious is
Ya legit (Is there a dark lord in wizard101 I don't play it xD)
WHOALY BUTTS IN A TOASTER calm down you ragatic
Ya because my skin totally looks like a guy form Wizard101 xP
No.... Just dark lord
No, dark lord
Flashbackkkkkk You are too late on that, bgray, eightnine knows already
eightnine, could you tell me the texture pack? I'm dying to know what it is.
Amazing video, I loved it.
Shush i do what i want *flys spinning on a 360 scooter while fighting a volcano god in another game that is in my computer virus that has demon...
Oh my god did you seriously put "IN BED!" in your signature *hugs ender* thats amazing XD