Separate names with a comma.
Aha, well I have a bit of news for y'all too. After September I start my final high school year and I have my GCSEs coming up (The end of high...
Aha oh. I'll use it next time. If forum staff could move it that'd be nice
I posted to creative because there is not a "all server chat" so I chose to post to creative as it's what i'm used to most. Also this amazing song...
banned for being right
Also banned for Ancient thread revival
Banned for extreme baking
Why can't they give out like apples? HEALTH EATING.
you sounded like you tried to take away /spawn *player* it's a surveyor rank only
Also only mojang can fix the glass thing for now. There is nothing we can do about it. I asked Nat.
Doesn't matter now- it's fixed. Rocman I don't think moving people about can really do much to the people. Especially into one place and one place...
I don't know if this is in my favour or not but basically the command doesn't work even for OS on creative (Source: Dzyriq)
the number 420 was police code for smoking marijuana. The fact it's herbalism makes it better. That is all
rocman it's a surveyor command
Fabulous. Can't we like have cheese bagels instead? They look incredibly sugary and disgusting
Also - From moi- you can't do /spawn *Player*. It just takes you to spawn rather than the person. Doesn't matter how long the command is like...
a) because i'm awkward b) Nat made it clear that they have to give out twinkies? Wut when
English update: what the hell are twinkies.
Metal would work. However i can't exactly put "then there's dettles" he likes metals and jumping in stinging nettles
UPDATE: Also I was quite surprised no-one picked a bone with the name "hostess". It implys the rank is for women only. This may put a lot of...