Separate names with a comma.
While nice for a small home, it's not much more than that. A small home. While being a house doesn't mean it can't be a designer, this seems too...
Being able to do this trick is actually a neat mechanic. However, the biggest problem with "Bow-Boasting" (its actually "Boosting" not "Boasting")...
I love Civ V. I just don't like people blindly judging games like that.
Window has already closed I think, sorry.
Did you really just say that? Because not only has this game not been released yet, but the trailer doesn't show gameplay footage.
Disease. I'm Civ V the biggest thing I noticed was missing was disease. Seems like adding it could add another level of realistic problems, as...
Have some photos kthxbai [SPOILER]
PB & J :) [ATTACH]
/fly and // are being removed. However, anyone with these perks who logs in within the next 7 days will be allowed to keep them.
Dear god no D:
*so freaking jello
Damn Daniel, back at it- [Rest of phrase removed due to shitiness]
INTP-T Logician
Lots' incognito has been revealed.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Don't you people judge what I used to do in my free time. I can see you judging! You stop that right now!
Dis thread doe.
Cool beans.
I am in a bit of a dilemma in this one. While it is very impressive and have many great details, it lacks some just as Marshall pointed out. I...