Separate names with a comma.
The instructions were not very clear, took me a few tries to figure it out. I had 1 hive which was higher than the max jump height, or it was a...
Well that was not very nice and unfortunately true.
Psst, I also saw something about a refreshed end? And an extra world? Weren't they both accessable via spawn?
Thank you all for participating this event! It took us an hour and a 3rd opinion to finally decide on who would win. And even with that 3rd...
It doesn't change. My signature did change on refresh, but it broke...
ew python... If you are into electronics aswell you could make yourself a pad of buttons and write a program around it to make it function as a...
I see my virus is spreading. Good... Now take it in, TAKE IT ALL IN! MY MINIONS! MARCH FORWARD AND CLAIM THESE LANDS IN MY NAME!
I like it. Approved. If you go for the architect; put a bit more work in the landscaping, the forest is all flat, it could use a bit more hills.
On top of your pill.
As you all know Mojang has recently started enforcing the EULA. To comply with the EULA we had to remove the fly and superpick abilities from...