Separate names with a comma.
I will gladly enjoy being stalked by techy :)
Thr0, I totally agree with you on certain points but I have never had any problems with connection times it takes like a minute overall for me. As...
its 50% off so 4.99 on steam right now
banned for having a long ban
Ah this reminds me of my old conquer days :3 Banned for slashing my shadow
Reminds me of a mix between SCP-173 and 96
Arma II (dayz) :3
My first time, *logs on, then joins game* Hey *some one raging about something (reminds me of PVP) * *logs * *next server* Rinse and repeat...
Ok, need information (PM if you want) about teamspeak etc, thank you :D
I hate to say it but you really don't go over the full scale of "basics"; only that the power goes 15 blocks and can be extended through repeaters...
Cracked redstone ha :3 you have just began young grasshoppah
30 dollars for ARMA, mod is free :3
Ha, once I got the beta download for arma there is no more lag :D, and I am on the server, What is your IGN?
Yes I have a mic, But from playing a little bit, my computer lags like there is no tomorrow :/ I have been looking on the forums and it says that...
Just got it working after about 10 hours of strait problems, had to re-download and not use six launcher ;3, So whenever you can, post server name...
Ruffles says he is near to perfection But I can tell you he heads the opposite direction He states he is the great To that I must debate But you...
Ok, everything is set up on my side, as In downloading, but I am having a horrible time getting anything to work, I got ARMA2 to run and now...
I'm pretty sure this is how the fan boys feel (yes, you guys are fan boys, creepy ones at that) [media]
:D viiet, I want you as a friend Mother of God, she knows o.O
No I got ARMAII when It came out, Combined Operations is a combination of ArmaII andARMA Operation arrowhead, I found out how to do it, now just...