Separate names with a comma.
Hi, I logged on today to play with the new rank but ran into a snag after buying it. My name turned white and I lost permissions to most...
I somehow feel it will follow same path as eastside only with more oversight. Buildings with sole purpose of looking good enough to stay but...
I think it is fair for serious moders to get paid for their work( even modding Companies that might pop up from this ), If its good quality work I...
What are you guys talking about o.0 I have been having lots of fun with this latest snapshot. Turned some fun potions into splash and threw them...
So here we go again with -another- elder application from the "new" starter rank citizen. Does this make me doubly old? D:...
Enjoy Discovering real Music in minecraft :) [IMG] What is the BDcraft Musics Pack? BDcraft Musics Pack...
soo... you are earth worm jim? :D
Save the location for when the map expands :)
Just curious, how long did that endeavor take you to complete? That looks like a lot of work compared to just using water breathing potions.
Yes, you can do that.
To be completely honest I would be surprised if this server was still running 10 years from now. A lot could happen in 10 years, both in Nat's...
If you change your username I wonder if it will effect plugins like claimblocks and mcmmo, or mess with ranks and permissions.
I would like possess the infinity gauntlet with all 6 infinity stones. From the marvel universe.
Guess my system just has great cooling then, because my GPU under load run much much cooler than what you say the Stock is. My bad.
even with 10-20 degrees less, its still really hot.
wow, your graphics card is running quite hot... you should look into better cooling management for it.
Tbh, one could make a great farm out of guardians. It would be a TON of work but you could set up spawn tanks for them with easy kill windows....
Just thought i would mention that a lot (if not most) of the sea monuments have already been surgically removed of gold and sponges by people. You...
That is neat looking :) Posture is a little askew, particularly for firing lazers but overall not bad at all.
Well I can say that I'm using the most current Optifine and resource pack and am not having any issues such as yours. The only issue I'm having is...