Separate names with a comma.
granted but then the internet crashed for the whole world corrupting the data I wish for moar creepers
Granted, but then you will yourself into a sandwich and cant change back, so I eat you I wish for a sandwich
Granted, but then they turned to a jelly mush :D I wish for MOAR CATS
Granted, but then tech came to your house to glomp you :P I wish for tech to post more complicated questions
G r a n t e d, but then it it became to small to read I wish for Poccy to get on more often
granted but as soon as it was done it broke I wish that I could freeze time (because who doesnt :P)
Granted but someone painted a giant picture of my little pony on the set (Probably Pocnet) I wish for a happy-go-lucky war
Granted, but you miss-read (human's fault not wish, so the wish is still uncorruptable) the magic egg for that spell and picked up the "I wish for...
:/ .... Sorry Dzy and Tech, I shall not multipost agian
D: sorry tech
AquaXV - 3 Live fool, I'm trying to save you Stylether 3-The strong shall take the punishment Dzyriq - 4
AquaXV - 4 PVP players unite Stylether - 4 Dzyriq - 4 Time to make this close
AquaXV - 5 You shall live Stylether - 4 You shall not pass Dzyriq - 5 /me injects pocnet
AquaXV - 6 Protect what keeps us alive Stylether - 5 Kill the strong Dzyriq - 5
Is that not what every market is based on? Money is just a medium for trading, it has no use other than that (well you can make close-to-useless...
AquaXV - 4 Protect what keeps us alive Stylether - 7 Dzyriq - 7 Kill the strong
AquaXV - 4 Don't die Stylether - 9 Dzyriq - 9 Kill the strong
Derpy siamise lol, its also the odd one out
4 clones
fancy door ehh, I seem to have one of those on my single player map :3