Separate names with a comma.
Newest video release, and looks like a public test is on the horizon *excited* [media]
You do realize that both wow and eve have had $15 subs since the start, right? Obviously a new game is not going to have the same quantity of...
*shrug* $15 a month is pretty standard for most mmo subscriptions, I already pay that for EVE online, wildstar is the same. I dont see $15 a month...
Well, steam has now convinced me to play ESO :) can't pass up 40% off the imperial edition with a bonus steam vanity pet as well as all the perks...
Glad to hear your still enjoying wildstar :) The credit system you mentioned they borrowed from EVE Online. They were the first to venture into...
Seriously, I tried really hard to... but I'm just not seeing what is funny with that picture. Is the sugarcane in your inventory you circled...
Like everything else in america, it -is- very sugary. Tis one reason why the country has such a high obesity rate. Sugar everywhere... even places...
I've been keeping an eye on this game since it was announced, on the fence as to if I want to buy it and put down a monthly subscription yet as Im...
I would say that is an accurate statement, on all accounts. [IMG]
^^^ The problem with designing a build using a specific texture pack and shader pack is that when you take either of them away you run the risk of...
Lol, took me a while to figure out how to get them to qwoperate but I did ;) always like a good challenge.
Skillz ;)
Talk about a delayed response XD
Lucky you, I've not had good lucky with consoles life span. The only one that has lasted forever is the N64 XD
So, just to respond to 2 things in your post. Firstly, the feel of a controller has nothing to do with console vs PC. If you didn't know before,...
To be honest, I stopped being a console gamer long ago.. when the standard price for every single game was $60 a pop no matter the quality. I have...
Eh... since we are thread revival-ing...
All 3 of us having some fun with pixelmon :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well he showed in game footage of most all of what he was talking about, pointing out the things that he really did not like and it wasn't...
So... as I have not played ESO yet, because I wanted to wait and see if it lived up to all its hype... is this a accurate review of the game? I...