Separate names with a comma.
Back then we didn't have a forums :p and when BSP set this one up it was hardly used by only a handful of us, then it eventually blew up to what...
You know, I've had nothing but positive experience regarding XBox live. Its fast, user friendly and consistently updated and upgraded to provide a...
Read that link above, that orthy guys a retard. Anyway. In order for me to buy the new Xbox it will have to have the option/ability to play in...
RAM stands for Random Access Memory, physically in your computer it is the long thin module in slots on your motherboard. Its the working memory...
Thank you :)
You could also just download a program to do this for you instead of using a batch file, I use SKLauncher and it has the option in it to specify...
Is that actually legit spawning? concentration of creepers and skeletons with not a single zombie in sight has me wondering if that's not just mob...
Well if your set on an AMD not much I can do for you, Asus makes amazing motherboards for the Intel's i5/i7 processors but I'm not real familiar...
Let the hunt begin! [IMG] [IMG]
Just thought i'd jump in here on this topic as its one i researched well before deciding on Intel for my gaming rig. The thing you have to...
o_O please give me back my two minutes of life i wasted here, I demand a refund!
Nope, no WoW. I enjoy WoW but its doesn't last me that long until i get bored of it. Usually a few months of play time on a new expansion then im...
Hmm, my top 10 games i've played... lets see what I can do. I will list top 15 just because I want to include most the ones I have enjoyed the...
wish somebody would just give me nether stars... :P
_xenome_'s thread regarding ESO:
//replace grass tnt
Hmm... Nemesis has found a way to duplicate! must find counter-response to neutralize immediately. Luckily the clone on left appears just as...
bobos... bobos... bobos... you don't know me at all ;) that post was in jest for fun and humor, not to be taken as serious. Sorry if I upset you...
no biggy... //set 0 >:] mwhaha ;)
I would rather be married with someone who doesn't love me than someone I don't love. Love can be built slowly if given time and at least I would...