Separate names with a comma.
Here is some work you are probably familiar with this map ;) helped build spawn a bit. Did the Large tree, majority of the outside wall, the main...
[combined this post with above post to free a post ;) didnt think my vault of budder was worth an entire slot lol.]
My second home on last map, and much more popular. Azeron, a 600x600 region build with the interior center project being 300x300 in size. Outside...
This is the next oldest picture I could dig up, it is my first home on the previous map we were on. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Here is the earliest picture i have, A ship i made outside my castle 2 maps ago(excluding the current one). Unfortunately no pictures of the...
~*My Picture Thread*~ I have been playing on this server a long time now and figured I should probably collect all the photos of stuff I've...
that ofc is not up to me, but... looking at this from a competitive standpoint it would not be fair to all the contestants to allow a player to...
Is there any possible way you can tone down the "advertising" thing. I mean... I couldn't even post a link to the members page when somebody asked...
I don't really mind the Donator rank being given as a reward because they are donating a lot of time and effort into doing a service for the...
Interesting seeing the highest donator rank being given out as a reward for building something on the creative server, thats a first for sure....
Holy thread revival! :D anyway... posting here cause didn't care to make a completely new thread for 1 pic lol. Explain this one :confused: [ATTACH]
Does it really need ranks? i mean come on guys your just flying around in creative on a very basic side by side plot flatland. What rank could you...
Yes, i built it myself. Part for Part.
coulda just posted a link to the post lol. Anyway, those parts are going to be cheaper now so take that into consideration. That was built nearly...
see, now i know what you look like... I can walk into subway sometime during the day and be like "wazzup Tribal! make meh ma sammich" :D
That the one where you run around with shears trying to collect wool from a frantic sheep? If i remember you get bonuses for for not cutting off...
We all know what was on Gardner_boob's mind :D [ATTACH]