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Download Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 2
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<p>[QUOTE="Natbyte, post: 102533, member: 470"]<p style="text-align: center">[ATTACH=full]9894[/ATTACH]</p> <p style="text-align: center"><br /></p><p><a href="" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="" rel="nofollow">Jeb over on twitter</a> has tweeted the availability to download Minecraft 1.9 prerelease 2 for minecraftians to test so just click here to <a href="" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="" rel="nofollow">download</a>. Notch also posted that we will see at least two more major content additions to the game, before the code freeze prior to the official November launch of Minecraft.</p><p><br /></p><p><b>Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 2 includes:</b></p><p><br /></p><p><b>New Items:</b></p><ul> <li>Nine new music discs.</li> <li>Blaze powder.</li> <li>Magma cream.</li> <li>Glass bottle.</li> <li>Spider eye (dropped by spiders) and fermented spider eye.</li> </ul><p><b>Game Mechanics:</b></p><ul> <li>Hardcore mode: game over when you die, hearts have new icons.</li> <li>Golden apple now has a shining animation.</li> <li>Pressure plates on top of fence posts now make sound when you walk on them or next to them.</li> <li>Villagers has no names (No more TESTIFICATE).</li> <li>Holding the spacebar allows you to jump continuously again.</li> <li>The enderman pearls now teleports you when thrown.</li> <li>Endermen teleport to dodge arrows. Endermen teleport a lot more.</li> <li>Item repair! Put two damaged items in the crafting grid.</li> <li>F5 view cycling.</li> <li>Fences now attach to adjacent blocks, has an interesting outcome when used certain ways.</li> <li>Pumpkins can be “crafted” into 4 Pumpkin Seeds.</li> <li>Zombie Pigmen now drop rotten flesh or gold bits randomly.</li> <li>F8 cinematic mode is back.</li> <li>New tooltip design.</li> <li>Glass panes now shatter when mined.</li> <li>Mob health seems to have been rebalanced.</li> <li>Fence hitbox fixed.</li> <li>Exp orbs now are the score when you die.</li> <li>Poison timer in inventory.</li> </ul><p><b><i>Animal Breeding:</i></b></p><ul> <li>Feed passive mobs wheat to make them breed with each other.</li> <li>Passive mobs follow you when wheat is selected.</li> <li>No sheep colour inheritance.</li> </ul><p><b>Download links for 1.9 Prerelease 2:</b></p><p><br /></p><p><a href="" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="" rel="nofollow">Download Minecraft 1.9 Client Available for Download</a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="" rel="nofollow">Download Minecraft 1.9 Server Available for Download</a></p><p><br /></p><p><b>How To Install Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 2: (Windows)</b></p><p><br /></p><p>1. Press the 'Windows' key on your keyboard and the 'R' key at the same time</p><p>2. Now type %appdata%</p><p>3. Locate your .minecraft folder</p><p>4. Navigate down into to your bin folder located inside the .minecraft folder</p><p>5. Right click on the file named minecraft and rename it minecraftold</p><p>5. Download the new minecraft.jar and drag or copy to the bin folder.</p><p>6. Run Minecraft as normal to play prerelease 2 of Minecraft 1.9</p><p><br /></p><p><b>How To Restore Minecraft 1.8.1 <b>(Windows)</b></b></p><p><b><br /></b></p><p><b>1. Press the 'Windows' key on your keyboard and the 'R' key at the same time</b></p><p><b>2. Now type %appdata%</b></p><p><b>3. Locate your .minecraft folder</b></p><p><b>4. Navigate down into to your bin folder located inside the .minecraft folder</b></p><p><b>5. Delete the file named minecraft</b></p><p><b>5. Select the file named minecraftold right click and select rename change to minecraft</b></p><p><b>6. Run Minecraft as normal to play Minecraft 1.8.1 again</b>[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Natbyte, post: 102533, member: 470"][CENTER][ATTACH=full]9894[/ATTACH] [/CENTER] [URL='']Jeb over on twitter[/URL] has tweeted the availability to download Minecraft 1.9 prerelease 2 for minecraftians to test so just click here to [URL='']download[/URL]. Notch also posted that we will see at least two more major content additions to the game, before the code freeze prior to the official November launch of Minecraft. [B]Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 2 includes:[/B] [B]New Items:[/B] [LIST] [*]Nine new music discs. [*]Blaze powder. [*]Magma cream. [*]Glass bottle. [*]Spider eye (dropped by spiders) and fermented spider eye. [/LIST] [B]Game Mechanics:[/B] [LIST] [*]Hardcore mode: game over when you die, hearts have new icons. [*]Golden apple now has a shining animation. [*]Pressure plates on top of fence posts now make sound when you walk on them or next to them. [*]Villagers has no names (No more TESTIFICATE). [*]Holding the spacebar allows you to jump continuously again. [*]The enderman pearls now teleports you when thrown. [*]Endermen teleport to dodge arrows. Endermen teleport a lot more. [*]Item repair! Put two damaged items in the crafting grid. [*]F5 view cycling. [*]Fences now attach to adjacent blocks, has an interesting outcome when used certain ways. [*]Pumpkins can be “crafted” into 4 Pumpkin Seeds. [*]Zombie Pigmen now drop rotten flesh or gold bits randomly. [*]F8 cinematic mode is back. [*]New tooltip design. [*]Glass panes now shatter when mined. [*]Mob health seems to have been rebalanced. [*]Fence hitbox fixed. [*]Exp orbs now are the score when you die. [*]Poison timer in inventory. [/LIST] [B][I]Animal Breeding:[/I][/B] [LIST] [*]Feed passive mobs wheat to make them breed with each other. [*]Passive mobs follow you when wheat is selected. [*]No sheep colour inheritance. [/LIST] [B]Download links for 1.9 Prerelease 2:[/B] [URL='']Download Minecraft 1.9 Client Available for Download[/URL] [URL='']Download Minecraft 1.9 Server Available for Download[/URL] [B]How To Install Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 2: (Windows)[/B] 1. Press the 'Windows' key on your keyboard and the 'R' key at the same time 2. Now type %appdata% 3. Locate your .minecraft folder 4. Navigate down into to your bin folder located inside the .minecraft folder 5. Right click on the file named minecraft and rename it minecraftold 5. Download the new minecraft.jar and drag or copy to the bin folder. 6. Run Minecraft as normal to play prerelease 2 of Minecraft 1.9 [B]How To Restore Minecraft 1.8.1 [B](Windows)[/B] 1. Press the 'Windows' key on your keyboard and the 'R' key at the same time 2. Now type %appdata% 3. Locate your .minecraft folder 4. Navigate down into to your bin folder located inside the .minecraft folder 5. Delete the file named minecraft 5. Select the file named minecraftold right click and select rename change to minecraft 6. Run Minecraft as normal to play Minecraft 1.8.1 again[/B][/QUOTE]
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Download Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 2
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Download Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 2