What kind of television show they would all watch on thursday afternoon... "But Grandpa! I don't want to go to bed!", Said the little boy who was reading a book about rapping llamas and exploding kittens and waffle wars.
And suddenly a monster made entirely out of cookies ate the little boy and then... (Oh and PONM thank you for continuing the story a 0.09th of a second before me)
the Grandpappy ran out of the room yelling "Deeeehhh!!!!" with his old granddad voice. The monster then...
Made a giant poop in a lake of lava, but the poop was secretly a portal to the end! The grandpa went into the end where...
he proceeded to wonder why on earth he just walked into a giant poop portal. Determined to find the monster that killed his grandson, he raised his cane and it glistened in the...endness... He started to...
to a made up song in his head. Up and up he went. Still floating and dancing, he could not find the monster, but... (also sorry Legopossible for that steal earlier xD )
darkness and endless sorrow. Kinda like the end. The old man stood up and asked himself, "where am I?" "WHY YOU'RE IN THE DARKLANDS MISTER!!",cried a weird looking...
gym socks- Unbeknownst to the old man, he was in the athletics department of the Darklands, and was smelling the garments of the sorrowful Sports players from years past, them never being able to see the light again.- upon exiting this dark abode... (Sorry that was a bit long, I tend to chat more when I'm tired. )
The old man randomly appeared in a giant house with giant tables and chairs on the inside, and the man felt tempted to take the last cookie from the cookie jar when...