Purchase fallout 3 first. That game is by far the best out of the two and I think you'll enjoy the coming months out of it until fallout 4 is released. Fallout new vegas is great too but like I said, I highly recommend the first game Bethesda made for the fallout series which is fallout 3. You will thank me later I promise you. Also make sure you get the game of the year edition so you have all the content for it. It should be no more than $20 US currency.
Thank you for the tip. It's €20 on steam, although i did just miss the sale unfortunately. I'll definitely check it out though. I practically have summer holidays in 2 weeks, so i will have a lot of time for it then.
Be warned though, if you're using Windows 7, you'll need to mod the game as it crashes a fuck ton on that Operating System, there's plenty of workarounds you can find online.
What version of windows 7 is it? 32 or 64? Because that might have something to do with it if it's Windows 7 32 bit.
I think people need to realize that it runs fine on Windows 7... If the game crashes, people will have these conspiracy theories on why it isn't compatible. It really should stop. :/
Fallout Fuel can't melt Elder Scrolls! Plus to add to that, the game page on Steam even states that it's not optimized for Windows 7 and later: http://store.steampowered.com/app/22370/ I had to install a mod that modified the script files to prevent crashing issues on my end.
*shrug* I see the notice you are talking about. I'm just saying it works fine for me, I've had no issues with it running on my windows 7. Maybe it's different for various people and their systems they are running it on.