[GAME] Improv!

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by FillWerrel, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. idontknow1234

    idontknow1234 Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    were lead by one of the finest lost souls... Corparalhutthutt. They called on the Monty Python crew to help them on their quest to find the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail would cure the bloodthirsty mobs and save the minecraft world... but will they find it in time...
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  2. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    They don't, and are all eaten except IloveNatbyte, who is saved by Pocnet. Pocnet calls upon the the mighty stargate powers of Happy_Cookies, who quickly compasses in, makes a stargate, puts it on Central, and the 3 jump in a find themselves at spawn, only to be a ambushed by a group of spammers. IloveNatbyte bravely sacrifices himslef to make a huge ball of Grief and Spam, which Runs over the spammers. Pocnet and Happy use the free moment to...
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  3. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    ... ask each other who TF is TSUKESHA?!?
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  4. laurenhazz

    laurenhazz Active Member

    May 7, 2012
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    Lol read earlier in the story. Continuing on:
    Poccy and Happy use this happy moment as an opportunity to confess their love for each other. They run into the woods, where they build a nice log cabbin and raise their own litter of Shookies (sheep cookies):confused: .
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  5. TechTeller

    TechTeller Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Alas, all is not well in the woods. Rumors were flying like wildfire throughout Althea, that a humongous troll dwelled in the dusky woods. He would stalk his prey and once they were within reach, he would expose his armpits, releasing the foulest smell known to mankind, and then gore them with his gigantic tusks, only to feed on their feet (he has a foot thing). Unfortunately, one of the Shookies, laurenhazz was quite adventurous and on a fine day, decided to venture into the dark recesses of the forest. She had no fear, for she was a brave shookie-maiden, but even that could hardly save her from the Troll. As she pushed aside a bush....
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  6. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    and fell in love at first sight with the humongous troll, named Athazagoraphobia -or Fear of being forgotten-. It turns out that the troll just wanted to be loved and not forgotten, so he did all those terrible deeds to be remembered. They were so in love, they decided to elope and live in peace and harmony forever, and so they did. Until one day, on their island, they spotted...
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  7. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    A gigantic burrow of creeper-spiders! Oh Shiii! These little monsters had been bred by the 4x spider spawner griefer whose mastermind was still loose in the world and still making havoc! That Troll (I forgot his name) and laurenhazz, in mad love, killed 300 creeper-spiders, side by side and back to back (the Troll was very large and Floppy). But there were too many! The Troll (whose name I've forgotten) said, "...
    • Dynamite Dynamite x 1
  8. laurenhazz

    laurenhazz Active Member

    May 7, 2012
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    "Forget me my love! You must go on without me, take care of our little Sholls!" (Shookie Trolls). So laurenhazz narrowly escaped the cave spiders, but was forever haunted by the screams of her dying troll husband. She ran back to her parent's cabin, they were taking care of the little Sholls, only to find that...
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  9. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    The parents had turned into zombies while the little Shrolkers (punny fond nickname for the little Sholls) were playing in their grandparents field. Somehow a zombie had crept into the house, had laid under the bed - all quiet like, and when it was dark came out from under the bed and natbyted the parents in the face. IN THE FACE! Laurenhazz, devastated by this triple blow to her mental capacity to live with tragedy, (...1)losing her forget-me-not flower troll husband to those vicious spiders-creepers spawn of satan, 2)seeing all the white bed sheets stained red - it doesn't come out in the wash! - and seeing her children Shollies playing in a wheat field that they were allergic to, ) drove the poor shookie bat insane. She grabbed her specialist shookie lightsaber whip and with a red-eyed flaming look of pure hatred in her flaming red eyes, she set off down the road

    Meanwhile, Stanky had been investigating the alleged 4x spider spawn grief. The last investigator had disappeared and the villagers weren't happy about that. So even though the poor villagers hated the Stanky and had tried to attack the Overseer fortress, in their distress at being abandoned by the previous investigator, they hired Stanky to look into the unoriginal sin. Stanky got on his Xray glasses, mounted his flying horse... thing... and set off up the road, with his trusty lightening Ban-Hammer in hand.

    Oh noes! Stanky and Laurenhazz met half way! Stanky, not used to being challenged used to being challenged but knowing himself, and the Shookie crazy mad maiden, both wouldn't back down, and both readied their weapons.

    Suddenly the light turned to night, and a voice cried out "Lets get, RRRRRRRrrrrrrreaaaaaddddddyyyyy to RRRRRRRRuuuuuuumbllllllllllllllle!" Stanky pointed at Laurenhazz and said ..."
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. ObviouslyNotJpm143

    ObviouslyNotJpm143 Active Member

    Aug 24, 2012
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    " image.jpg "
    Stanky then summons shit tons of lightning to land on Laurenhazz's head.
    Stanky then looks at his squid/horse/animal thing and yells "UNLIMITED POWER!" Stanky then Force Lightnings the squid until it is burnt to a crisp. Stanky then summons a giant ball of budder the ball explodes and a budder turtle was left there. Budder turtle and stanky became best friends. They smacked the shit out of people, trolled the trollers, and banned x-rayers together. Stanky learned of an ultimate power from budder turtle's friend:Bob the Pedo Wolf. That ultimate power was...
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  11. laurenhazz

    laurenhazz Active Member

    May 7, 2012
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    Turning his enemies into the delicious Reese's Puffs breakfast cereal. Stanky was then able to solve the crisis of the flesh eating bat lady by zapping her with his chocolate and peanutbutter swirl rays
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  12. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    With their enemies vanquished, Stanky and Budder turtle turned for home. Unbeknownst to them, a new threat was about to arise.
  13. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Laurenhazz body disappeared in a puff of white smoke from the intense lightening. Stanky and the Budder turtle went and did their thing.

    Unbeknownst to them, a pair of red-flaming eyes was watching them from the tree-line a few hundred metres away. When it was safe, the REAL Laurenhazz came out from Xray proof cover, and finished the signs for "dismissing her shadow clone." The puff of white smoke, wasn't from lightening at all! it was from being dismissed at exactly the right time! Laurenhazz might be crazy mad, but she wasn't insane. She knew of Stankys Awesome Powers and had taken preparations in case something like this might have happened. She was glad she did, because if she had not prepared, then she would have been killed out of this story! and we can't have that.

    After some time, Laurenhazz, stiffened in her saddle on a pig when she sensed something disturbing in the Farce. She felt goosebumps, a dreadful anticipation. Something new was about to happen, something horrible. A new threat was about to arise on this land. She didn't know where, she didn't know when, but she knew this feeling. She had sensed it before. She knew it had something to do with...

    LITTLE PONIES...(epic scary music)
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  14. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    As laurenhazz was having this strange sensation, all the way across the internet, they saw a post on a forum. People wanted to come and take over their land for a minecraft-con! Outrageous! Preposterous! This must be taken care of. So the ponies get out their secret weapons, which are....
  15. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    BABIES! Then they got on their Truck with Larry the Truck Driver, and got a total of 3 MPG!
  16. laurenhazz

    laurenhazz Active Member

    May 7, 2012
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    They found the Minecraft con lovers, and hid behind a few bushes. When they drew near, they released their secret weapon... RELEASE THE BABIESSSS!!!!
  17. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    The Minecraft con lovers saw the babies, and fainted and/or died from a cuteness overload. The only people that were unaffected were the overseers, and a few. So stanky2 went into a bar to seek more information about the ponies. He walked into a bar....
  18. Waddsler

    Waddsler Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    stanky then gets greeted by a person called Jordan59961

    (And with that, the circle is complete.)
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  19. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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  20. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    ... to ask permission for Harry_Turney123 hand in holy wedded matrimony because he is clearly obsessed with a certain person who's name begins with J and ends with 1