I love to play spartan ops and just get in warthogs and pick up all my teammates and drive off a cliff.... Muahaha.
I'm doing the campaign LASO with two friends, it's really hard but very satisfying when you finish a level
Btw, my GT is TeeheeSuperNoob, so if you see me in-game and in a warthog or other vehicle, don't get in it!
Since waypoint is slow I should have mark 6 shoulders and chest EDIT: I never realized it changes when my character changes
I'm getting a bit bored because I can't level up until monday XD 343i should have let everyone have all the specializations at the same time
Anybody who is good at Dominion AND making forge maps, I'm looking for some players, with just my friends the teams are uneven and unfair, send me a friend request my GamerTag is TeeheeSuperNoob and also I'm US Central time zone. (I just got into making Dominion maps on forge, if you don't know how to make the gametype compatible I do so no worries on that)
I'm decent with maps. Also what level are you? I'll send a request my GT is M4G1C D1N0S4UR Note: My voice sounds like a five year old on xbox mics... Fucking Microsoft.
It's about damn time https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postsm2213087_Upcoming-Competitive-Playlist.aspx#post2213087
If anyone is intrested I need the first 3 spartan ops episodes done as well as the campain I am doing these on legendary so message me what you want to do my gamer tag is Mndude323.