Lets model

Discussion in 'Pictures' started by monktiger, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    ^^ I will do my best stanks, and chovy, although I do plan on having it be very minecrafty, I also want to mix it with a non minecraftic style. For example, many minecraft animations out there have a very simple eye rig set up where its just a rectangle with the top and bottom coming down for blinks, and the eyebrows set to show expressions. I want to have the actual eye show expressions along with the eyebrows, which would end up deforming the plain rectangle in different shapes such as curves. It will overall be minecrafty though, as thats much simpler to work with, other than the fact its hard to blend non minecrafty with minecrafty and make it look good.

    "Keep the end in mind" - I want it to look good in the end. I don't really care how I do it ^_~.

    I am using autodesk maya. Using blender for animations is 100% fine as it has a growing community, it can do many things any commercial software can do, and its free. I'm not using it cuz I started with autodesk and I just like the way it feels. Tried blender after maya and it just felt terrible (felt terrible, not saying it preforms worst). Though, autodesk maya is used by big companies and blender is not(yet), which is also a nice reason to learn maya. Another thought I had (may be wrong) is that since blender is open source, it can never really be better than any other paid program out there. If blender has something no other program has, can't the programers just look at the code, see how they did it, and implement it into their own program?(I don't know the copyright or laws involved with this so I may be wrong)
  2. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Awesome! ;) If you need any help, let us know! You never know, there might be someone out here who can help. :)
  3. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    when the time is right I will be asking people to build towns, a castle, ect.. In singleplayer or even on the server (if there is a way for me to download it off the server). Id prob draw an outline or show pictures of what im looking for to help out. That would prob be the only help id need.
  4. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    How about texturisinginging?
    What's your favourite part of making a 3d char?
  5. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I cant really answer that since I don't have enough experience yet, but I do think shading (texturing) the models would be the most annoying for me, but a reason why I don't want any help other than you guys making minecraft builds for me is because I want to experience it all, practice it all, learn what mistakes I made and get better.
  6. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    You're doing great. Keep it up. :)
  7. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    I never knew animations could take so long.. This is going to turn out in amazing quality if you think blender is mediocre. Too bad this seems like it will take months to complete - but who cares, your willing to make an entire animation for the server anyways!